against Torture
Arthur Miller's Socks |
Miller and I landed at Istanbul airport on March 17, 1985. We were
visiting Turkey on behalf of International P.E.N., to investigate
allegations of the torture and persecution of Turkish writers. The
trip got off to a bad start. I had two suitcases. One hadn't made
it. Apart from other things, this left me with no socks. So Arthur
lent me his. Bloody good ones they were too. Made to last.
We met dozens of writers. Those who had been tortured in prison
were still trembling but they insisted on giving us a drink, pouring
the shaking bottle into our glasses. One of the writer's wives was
mute. She had fainted and lost her power of speech when she had
seen her husband in prison. He was now out. His face was like a
permanent tear. (I don't mean tear as in tears but tear as in being
torn.) |
Turkey at this time was a military dictatorship,
fully endorsed by the United States.
The US Ambassador, hearing of our presence and thinking he was
playing a clever card, gave a dinner party at the US embassy in
Ankara in honour of Arthur. As I was Arthur's running mate they
had to invite me too.
I had hardly taken my first bite at the hors d'oeuvres when I
found myself in the middle of a ferocious row with the US political
counsellor about the existence of torture in Turkish prisons.
This rattled on merrily throughout the dinner until, finally,
Arthur rose to speak. Since he was the guest of honour the floor
was his and he made it his in no uncertain terms. He discussed
the term democracy and asked why, as the United States was a democracy,
it supported military dictatorships throughout the world, including
the country we were now in? "In Turkey", he said, "hundreds of
people are in prison for their thoughts. This persecution is supported
and subsidised by the United States. Where", he asked, "does that
leave our understanding of democratic values?" He was as clear
as a bell. The Ambassador thanked him for his speech.
After dinner I thought I'd keep out of trouble for a while and
went to look at the paintings. Suddenly I saw the Ambassador and
his aides bearing down on me. Why they weren't bearing down on
Arthur I don't know. Perhaps he was too tall. The Ambassador said
to me: "Mr. Pinter, you don't seem to understand the realities
of the situation here. Don't forget, the Russians are just over
the border. You have to bear in mind the political reality, the
diplomatic reality, the military reality."
"The reality I've been referring to", I said, "is that of electric
current on your genitals." The Ambassador drew himself, as they
say, up to his full height and glared at me. "Sir, he said, "you
are a guest in my house." He turned, as they also say, on his
heel and his aides turned too. Arthur suddenly loomed up.
"I think I've been thrown out", I said. "I'll come with you",
Arthur said, without hesitation. Being thrown out of the US embassy
in Ankara with Arthur Miller -- a voluntary exile - was one of
the proudest moments in my life.
(Written as a tribute to Arthur Miller, on the occasion of his
80th birthday)
Click here to view the correspondence
from Ali Taygun |
Turkish Playwright and Theatre
Director, held in prison, Ankara, on the occassion of Harold
Pinter and Arthur Miller's visit on behalf of PEN to Turkey
in 1985. |
Three poems |
The Disappeared 1998
Lovers of light, the skulls,
The burnt skin, the white
Flash of the night,
The heat in the death of men.
The hamstring and the heart
Torn apart in a musical room,
Where children of the light
Know that their kingdom has come.
Order 1996
Are you ready to order?
No there is nothing to order
No I'm unable to order
No I'm a long way from order
And while there is everything,
And nothing, to order,
Order remains a tall order
And disorder feeds on the belly of order
And order requires the blood of disorder
And "freedom" and ordure and other
Need the odour of order to sweeten their murders
Disorder a beggar in a darkened room
Order a banker and a castiron womb
Disorder an infant in a frozen home Order
a soldier in a poisoned tomb
The Old Days 1996
Well, there was no problem.
All the democracies
(all the democracies)
were behind us.
So we had to kill some people.
So what?
Lefties get killed.
This is what we used to say
back in the old days:
Your daughter is a lefty
I'll ram this stinking battering-ram
all the way up and up and up and up
right the way through her lousy lefty body.
So that stopped the lefties.
They may have been the old days
but I'll tell you they were the good old days.
Anyway all the democracies
(all the democracies)
were behind us.
They said: just don't
(just don't)
tell anyone we're behind you.
That's all.
Just don't tell anyone
(just don't)
just don't tell anyone
we're behind you.
Just kill them.
Well, my wife wanted peace.
And so did my little children.
So we killed all the lefties
to bring peace to our little children.
Anyway there was no problem.
Anyway they're all dead anyway.
Foundation for the Care and Victims of Torture |
Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of
Star House
104-108 Grafton Road
London NW5 4BD
020 7813 9999
020 7813 0033(fax)
The Medical Foundation is an independent charity
working for the care of peole who have been tortured; it provides
infromation on the existence of torture and the work currently
being dome by health professionals to relieve the physical and
psychological suffering of its victims.
The Foundation evolved out of the voluntary work
of the British Medical Group of Amnesty International. For a number
of years this small group of doctors examined and cared for people
who had been tortured. However, by the end of 1984 it was clear,
both from the rapidly increasing number of people asking for help
and from the complexity of their injuries, that a more comprehensive
service was needed. It was this reason that doctors of the group
decided to establish a new charitable foundation for the care
of victims of torture.
Harold Pinter was asked to become a patron
in October 1998, having supported the work of the Foundation since
its inception.
New World Order |
Bill Paterson, Douglas McFerran and Michael Byrne
in "The New World Order" at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs,
July 1991 (photograph Stuart Morris, The Independent on Sunday)
Review in The Independent on Sunday
A Man sits gagged and bound to his chair. Two
guys lounge behind him, discussing in debonair fashion what they
are going to do to him, never getting too specific. This is the
new Harold Pinter, who has re-harnessed his genius for smart intimidation
in the cause of political protest. The New World Order lasts 10
nerve-wracking minutes and gets closer to the nerve of torture
than any play I know. Quite possibly Pinter can turn this kind
of thing on and off at will; but I doubt that any imitator, however
adept, could do it. No other writer has so fastidious an ear,
and in his own production the results are served up with impeccably
casual cruelty by Bill Paterson and Michael Byrne.
Robert Cushman, The Independent on Sunday, 21st July 1991
Click here for a transcript of the play © Harold
Pinter: "The
New World Order" (runs c.8-10 mins) |
for the Road |
In late 1983 Harold Pinter wrote the play "One
for the Road", which features torture as its main theme. Inspired
by the horror of what was happening in Turkey, it was first performed
at the Lyric Theatre Studio, Hammersmith, 13th March 1984, directed
by Harold Pinter, with Alan Bates, Roger Lloyd Pack, Jenny Quayle
In this section you can see a transcript of one
of the key scenes, and read part of an interview between Harold
Pinter and Nicholas Hern, on the writing of this work
Harold Pinter acted in One
for the Road at the Gate Theatre in 2001 directed by Robin