Programme Cover
The Room was first presented at The Drama Studio,
The University of Bristol, May 1957
Bert Hudd - Claude Jenkins
Rose Hudd - Susan Engel
Mr. Kidd - Henry Woolf
Mr. Sands - David Davies
Mrs. Sands - Auriol Smith
Riley - George Odlum
Producer - Henry Woolf
This Young Author Scores a Hit
One can never be sure about these private University productions-quality
varies so much. Last night the climb up Park-street was rewarded.
I'm so glad I didn't miss this production, Henry Woolf, whose
work as a character actor has caught our eye before, here introduces
himself as an intelligent and sensitive producer. He introduces
too, an old school friend of his, Harold Pinter, who as a writer,
should go on writing. THE ROOM was completed in two days by
this 26-year-old Bournemouth repertory actor. In those two
days he gave his play a strange macabre atmosphere, a commendable
quality of natural looking dialogue, and a dramatically powerfully
climax which stabs at the conscience. The audience who could
be so easily have ruined the evening behaved admirably. They
warmed to the early unconscious humour, yet went deathly still
as the play became more and more taut. Acting was admirable.
Susan Engel, and Old Vic Theatre School student, excelled as
the dowdy wife, and in their various ways Henry Woolf (mysterious
landlord). David Davies and Auriol Smith (loquacious young
couple). George Odlum (blind negro) and Claude Jenkins (silent,
morose husband) all made their contribution. One feels the
spiritual significance of the end without being completely
happy about the way it is expressed. The writer should have
left slightly less to the imagination. The producer appeared
disappointed that the set could not be improved. He need have
had no such disappointment; it was adequate.
Bristol Evening World, May 1957
Larger than Life at the Festival
Harold Hobson
The [other] play The Room by Harold Pinter was presented by the
Old Vic Theatre School and the Department of Drama of the University.
It was a revelation and the directors of the London Arts Theatre
and of the English Stage Company should be after Mr. Pinter before
they ear their lunch today. It is a brief excursion, in a slum
room, into the nightmare world of insecurity and uncertainty.
It has touches of Ionesco and echoes of Beckett; and somewhere
not far distant is the disturbing ghost of that Henry James who
turned the screw. What exactly the plot is, where the elusive
landlord really lived, who are the unexplained couple seeking
lodgings, why the lorry-driver husband is so long mute, what it
the parentage of the woman who clings so desperately to shabby
respectability, are questions that do not admit of precise solutions.
They do not need to. The play makes one stir uneasily in one’s
shoes, and doubt, for a moment, the comforting solidity of the
earth. Duncan Ross directs it with the unstoppable speed of an
Olympic runner, and students of the Old Vic School act it memorably,
especially Susan Engel as the wife and Neville Gaha as the husband
who suddenly leaps into a Niagara of brutal and sadistic rhetoric.
Michael Ackland's set is excellent in itself as an exercise in
realism, but does it fit the indeterminate and shifting boundaries
of the play? No matter; The Room is an experience. I believe it
was discovered, directly or indirectly, by the Department of Drama.
It is a matter for them of pride.
The Sunday Times, January 1958 |