Amongst the wealth of Shakespeare related resources
on the Internet, here is one official site:
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-
Avon, UK
Some interesting alternatives:
MIT Shakespeare Homepage.
The Complete Works from the Tech. The works are
laid out nicely in table format with a conveniently linked search
The Internet Shakespeare Editions.
A unique set of texts have been rendered by Dr.
Michael Best as part of the Shakespeare By Individual Studies
program. HTML texts for A Midsummer Nights Dream, Henry IV Pt.
1, As You Like It, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, and The Tempest
are included at this site. The line numbers have been keyed to
the Shakespeare Signet Classic editions.
The University of Pennsylvania Library
An noteworthy presentation of a photographic reproduction
of the 1619 quarto of King Lear from the University of Pennsylvania.
Venus and Adonis
William Luddy has produced an HTML edition of
what was, in Shakespeare's lifetime, his most popular work, Venus
and Adonis.