Anne Bancroft
and Peter Finch |
Directed by Jack Clayton
Starring: Anne Bancroft and Peter Finch
Based on the novel by Penelope Mortimer
Screenplay by Harold Pinter published in
Collected Screenplays 1
What marks it out is the nerve and ability to
say frank, scathing, excoriating things about that state of life
which the law calls marriage, and which any two people may call
hell or bliss. And it says then, in a way
that tests the emotions of its players to destruction point.
James Mason |
Expect no neat, tidy story tied up with a start
middle and finish. For few marriages are neat, tidy affairs and
certainly no the one pictured here with almost unbearable candour.
Penelope Mortimer's original novel was an odd
unhappy painful work that seemed to have been conceived in the
brain-and this raw quality is intensified by Harold Pinter's screenplay.
Alexander Walker, Evening Standard